Saturday, 10 January 2015

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Challenge: Round Two


So last year I decided to give the 'Lee Stafford: For hair that doesn't grow past a certain length' challenge a go.

I purchased the shampoo, conditioner and hair mask/treatment from Boots, and used them every time I washed my hair, for a month. If you want to see the original 'Initial Impressions' and 'Final Results' videos, go check out my Youtube. 
But initially I wasn't too impressed with the products, especially the shampoo and conditioner, and felt that my hair growth wasn't worth a shout about.

HOWEVER, these products are currently on offer in Boots, being 3 for £15, and considering the leave in treatment is £11.99 alone (so it must do something), I thought this challenge might be worth another try, using the leave in treatment and hair treatment mask, instead of the shampoo and conditioner.

I will be doing another before and after photo when the month's up, so lets see how it goes, and see if the leave in treatment works any better than the shampoo and conditioner!
*Fingers crossed* this time!

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Melted Crayon Canvas Art

So for the past year or two, melted crayon canvas art has been all over Pinterest, and surprisingly, I hadn't tried it myself until now!
This is simply the technique of gluing wax crayons to a canvas or board, and using a heat gun or hair-dryer to melt the crayons into art!

If you want to see my Pinspired video, go click on the photo below!

It wasn't quite as messy as I thought it would have been, but its still best to take precaution!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

What I got for Christmas '14

Hey guys!
If your a regular on YouTube at this time of year, you'll probably be seeing a lot of 'What I got for Christmas' videos.
Sadly, I was a little preoccupied after Christmas day, and never got round to filming my own take on the video, so I thought I'd put up a quick blog post showing some of the things I was lucky to find in my stockings!

#Zara #RiverIsland #Lush #Pandora #TedBaker #NewLook #Paperchase

I hope you all had a great Christmas and got everything you wanted, and I hope you all had a great start to the new year!