Thursday, 1 October 2015

Hello Autumn!

So its' officially October (I don't know where September disappeared to!) which means it's definitely okay for me to start obsessing about autumn.
For the past two weeks I've literally lived on Pinterest and been super inspired by all the cute home decor DIY's people have been pinning! 
So I thought this year, I'd have a go at spicing up my decor a bit! 
To get into the fall spirit, me and my boyfriend went for a walk around our local park on the weekend and managed to pick up some pinecones to use in my decor crafts. I also cut down some thin branches from a corkscrew willow I have in my garden, as they are such an amazing curly shape! I'll be leaving these out to dry for about a week and I'll be using these for some of my fall DIY's too!
So keep an eye out for my autumn/fall DIY decor video and blog posts coming up within the next couple of weeks!
Can you guess what I'll be making?